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Bankruptcy Articles

Pets - What are the allowed living expenses in bankruptcy
How much can you include for pets in your living expenses? Can pet insurance and vets bills be included? What if your pets cost too much?
Can your partner claim part ownership of your house if you go bankrupt? When do they have an interest? Can you sign a property over to them?
What happens to a bailiff if you go bankrupt? How quickly are you protected? What if you already set up a payment plan? Will your car be safe?
Will your bankruptcy last longer if you owe money to HMRC? What affect does a BRU really have? Can you leave tax debt out of bankruptcy?
Are council tax arrears included if you go bankrupt? What if the debt is in joint names? What happens to your current year's bill?
Are you allowed to buy a new car while you are bankrupt? Can you sell your old vehicle? Is it possible to get a car on finance?
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Which types of windfall can you keep after bankruptcy? Can you draw a pension lump sum? Does any windfall still have to be paid to the OR?
Can you have a joint bank account if you go bankrupt? What about using someone else's account? Could you open a new account while bankrupt?
Do you have to tell the OR if you lose your job? What if you get a redundancy payment? Implications if you have an IPA and if you get a job.
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How is your council house affected if you go bankrupt? What happens to rent arrears? Can you buy your council house after going bankrupt?
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