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Alternatives to Bankruptcy

Debt management plan or go bankrupt - which should you choose
The benefits of going bankrupt v a debt management plan? What are the downsides? Can you go bankrupt if you are already in a Plan?
Stop your IVA and go Bankrupt
Are you allowed to stop your IVA? Is it sensible to cancel and go bankrupt? When are you better off sticking with what you have got?
stop your DMP and go bankrupt
Should you stop your DMP? Is cancelling your debt management plan and going bankrupt sensible for you? What if you are a home owner?
Bankruptcy or IVA
Will you pay more in Bankruptcy or IVA? Which is better if you are a home owner? Bankruptcy or IVA and your car. How both options affect your credit rating.
Alternatives to Bankruptcy
What are the alternatives to Bankruptcy? Information about Debt Consolidation, Debt Management Plan, IVA, Debt Relief Order, Administration Order